时间: 2024-08-26浏览次数:
ICRA12_A Real-Time Motion Planner with Trajectory Optimization for Autonomous Vehicles.pdf
IEEE_CASE2014_Design of Lane Keeping System Using Adaptive Model Predictive Control.pdf
IEEE_IROS2016_Snider_Automated Tactical Maneuver Discovery, Reasoning and Trajectory Planning for Automated Driving.pdf
IEEE_ITSC2005_A new approach to lane guidance systems.pdf
IEEE_ITSC2011_Algebraic nonlinear estimation and flatness-based lat lon conrol or automotive vehicles.pdf
IEEE_ITSC2011_The H2-Optimal Preview Controller for a Shared Lateral Control.pdf
IEEE_ITSC2013_Linear Model Predictive Control for Lane Keeping and Obstacle Avoidance on Low Curvature Roads.pdf
IEEE_ITSC2016_Optimal Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Driving Integrating Logical Constraints_An MIQP Perspective.pdf
IEEE_IV2010_Safety Verification of Autonomous Vehicles for Coordinated Evasive Maneuvers.pdf
IEEE_IV2012_Learning Lane Change Trajectories From On-road Driving Data.pdf
IEEE_IV2013_Robust Predictive Control for Semi-Autonomous Vehicles with an certain drivier model.pdf
IEEE_IV2013_Snider_Focused Trajectory Planning for Autonomous On-Road Driving.pdf
IEEE_TransHMS2017_Modeling, Identification, and Predictive Control of a Driver Steering Assistance System.pdf
IEEE_TransSMC_2009Combined Automatic Lane-Keeping and Driver's Steering Through a 2-DOF Control Strategy.pdf"
IEEE-TransIE2014_A real time energy optimal trajectory generation method for a servomotor system.pdf
IEEE-TransITS2014_Ziegler_Making Bertha Drive-An Autonomous Journey on a Historic Route.pdf
IROS_2015_Tunable and Stable Real-Time Trajectory Planning for Urban Autonomous Driving.pdf
AI Model for Behaviour Arbitration.pdf
AVEC_2015_Lane Keeping Assistance with Learning-Based Driver Model and Model Predictive Control.pdf
IAS_2014_On-Road Trajectory Planning for General Autonomous Driving with Enhanced Tunability.pdf
ICINCO_2017_Time-Energy Optimal Trajectory Planning over a Fixed Path for a Wheel Mobile Robot.pdf
ICIRA2012_On-Road Motion Planning for autonomous driving.pdf
ICRA_2011_Energy-Optimal Velocity Profiles for Car-Like Robots.pdf